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Student Members

CREATE student members are University of Washington students who are interested in a facet of accessibility: research, education, or translation-to-practice. 

How to get involved

To do/learn: Consider these programs: Get started:
Adaptive engineering design, hands-on adaptive making, and to connect with other students HuskyAdapt, a student-run group that learns about and creates adaptive toys that are distributed to the community Apply in October-November
Research Experience for Undergrads (REU) DUB REU Apply in January
CRA-WP DREU Apply in March
Teach Access Away Spring info sessions
Academics Accessibility courses at the UW Fall, Winter and Spring quarters
Connect with students, faculty and researchers Join the CREATE Slack community ongoing
Announcements, updates, events Join a CREATE mailing list ongoing

To get involved, connect with other students through HuskyAdapt, a student-run group that provides opportunities to learn about and create adaptive toys (which are distributed to the community) and learn about adaptive engineering design. Also consider the DUB REU, CRA-WP DREU, and AccessComputing’s Teach Access Away programs that starts in spring. Check out our list of accessibility courses at the UW. And be sure to join the CREATE Slack community and CREATE mailing lists where we announce other events.

A purple-tinted collage of UW students working with adults with various mobility and communication disabilities to develop tools to improve their function.
UW students work with adults with mobility and communication disabilities to develop tools for better access.

What you gain as a student member

To join CREATE as a student member, sign up for the CREATE Students email list.

Become a CREATE Student Member

Student news