We invite you to CREATE with us.
We invite students, faculty, researchers, business and nonprofits to join our efforts to make the world a more accessible place.
Collaborate on research
As a research center, CREATE’s lifeblood is conducting cutting-edge research, and designing, building, and evaluating the next generation of accessible technologies. We pursue large, collaborative moonshot projects and respond with agility to support timely research opportunities that arise.
Contact us
Jennifer Mankoff, CREATE Co-Director for Research
Jacob Wobbrock, CREATE Co-Director for Research
Contact CREATE Research Directors
Continue learning about accessibility
CREATE trains the next generation of technology designers, engineers, and product managers to champion accessibility in their work. We support teaching students and faculty about accessible technology and about accessible teaching & learning.
- Quarterly seminar on accessibility research
- Reimagining Mobility: A Conversation Hub
- Accessibility-related UW courses
- Student membership
- CREATE Student Minigrant Program
Translate research into products and services
Translation activities take our research into the world in the form of products and services, and ensure diverse voices inform our innovations.
Our translation goals include enabling CREATE innovations to move into the world, supporting sustainable research deployments, and establishing cooperative relationships between researchers and the community.
Contact us
Anat Caspi, CREATE Director for Translation
Contact CREATE Director for Translation
Benefits of partnership
As a partner, you will:
- Get a first look at cutting-edge research and course and capstone projects.
- Attend CREATE’s center-wide retreat, where strategic discussions help set the center’s priorities for research, education, and translation.
- Attend CREATE’s partner-only meeting focused on sharing the latest breakthroughs in accessible technology research and practice, and networking with other partner members.
- Participate in CREATE’s Demo Days to get a close look at current faculty and student projects.
- Work with faculty and students to assess products, evaluate processes and provide relevant training to your teams through course modules that teach accessibility and inclusive design.
- Collaborate with advanced students to run technology focus groups or scientific studies.
- Recruit outstanding graduates with expertise in technology and accessibility.
- Connect with CREATE’s illustrious advisory board members.
- Embed a team member in CREATE through our visitors’ program.